How we can support you

How we can support you during COVID-19

We’re offering the following support to all vulnerable young people aged between 16-25

  • Tenancy Support
  • One to one counselling
  • General information, advice and support
  • Food parcels
  • Toiletry packs
  • Activity packs containing jigsaws, puzzles etc.
  • Various other essential items 

To access the above support please contact us on 01253 294477 or 07741 949544

We’re pleased to announce that our Day Centre is now back open to support young people on an appointment only basis, to book your appointment, contact us using the numbers above or message us via our young person’s only Facebook page ‘Streetlife Young People’.

If you are aged 16-25 in Blackpool and need support, we are here to help.


Streetlife is a welcoming and inclusive organisation that has been supporting local young people for nearly 40 years. We operate from 2 locations; The Base is our day centre on Buchanan St and our Emergency Nightshelter is in St Johns Square.

If you are currently experiencing homelessness, you can present at the Nightshelter just before 7pm each evening without the need for an appointment. You can also contact Housing Options 01253 477760 or the Council’s Emergency Duty Team 01253 477600 for support.

The Base

The Base is a positive environment with lots of activity and opens Mon-Fri for drop in between 12.30-15.30, no appointment is necessary.

Come and join us for lunch, activities and to access a range of support from our skilled staff and volunteers.

Night Shelter 

Our Night Shelter, based in Blackpool Town Centre provides emergency accommodation for up to 8 young people each night, 365 nights a year.

If you find yourself homeless, you are not alone. Pop down to the Night Shelter just prior to 7pm and the duty team will be able to help.

How you can support Streetlife and help young vulnerable people in Blackpool